As you might note, the charts show coloration for every country---whew!! Well, I decided to make it by continents rather than countries--much easier! So, at the moment, I am working on the southern tip of Greenland which means I'll soon be to chart #3!!

Presenting the colors of the world--in a basket, no less! The burgundy is smashed down between the orange and red. The last of the yellow has been used to complete Canada.

There are no passengers on Spaceship Earth. We are all crew.---Marshall McLuhan, 1964
Thinking about knitting each country in a different color makes my head hurt. :) I think you made a wise choice since country boundaries change.
Cool! Vogue really has interesting knits. I really need to subscribe to that one.
Yellow for Canada...they should have made us red & white, ;o) LOL!
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