The stockings ARE hung by the fireplace. You can see the ones I knitted with a few purchased ones among them. Can you find the
single crocheted stocking? There are five more that should be hung there, but their owners aren't coming home for Christmas this year.

I crocheted the Christmas angel and Santa in 1983. Th

I came across this amazing web site today that truly blesses me. The lady who has the site has written a book about prayerful knitting so I ordered two of the books and one download of the journal that accompanies it. I printed the journal and am so anxious for the books to arrive. This site is a blessing, a true find that I'd like to share with you. The URL is http://knit4soul.blogspot.com
The Joy of Soulful Knitting: Reflections on the Art of the Craft by Patricia Turner is a book that I am so looking forward to reading!
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. ---Proverbs 31:10
I had a friend named Pooch years ago in La Mesa, although her real name was Gretchen. I knit a lot, too. Nice to see your blog and meet Max.
Julie Meyer Stanley
Thanks for your message, Julie. It's fun to get it! Yes Pooch is a family nickname that my Dad started when I was a toddler and mispronouncing a word by saying Pooch. Consequently, I respond to various and assorted names! ;)
How sweet of you to mention Max! He's snoring, but I know it is very meaningful to him!! :) I decide these things for him. Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Your site is so nice. Especially, the little pants with the rose. Can you share the pattern? or sell it to me? I would loveto have it.
What a nice item with roses! And that dog...oh he looks so adorable!
That dog is fantastic!! Thanks for your compliment to my Max!
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