

The weary world awaits...

My knitting life is given over to knitting the BSS. The KAL moves quickly although there were no postings over the weekend. Does it look like a one piece sweater to you? Not yet, but it will! I'm all set to do my 'Day Six" knitting today, which leaves little time to create the world! As long as J doesn't realize my neglect, I guess it's OK. I must admit a nagging guilt at ignoring the world! "I do this for pleasure. I knit for pleasure. Enjoy each stitch no matter what I'm knitting." A little self-talk never hurts.

I've decided that I enjoyed reading Anne Rice's notes at the end of Christ the Lord Out of Egypt more than the style she used in the text of the novel. Realizing that she was writing in the voice of a seven-year-old child, I nevertheless found it to be very choppy reading without the beautiful flow of words that carry the reader. Descriptions of the setting, the daily life of the people who lived in that era, and the minutiae of that period fascinated me. The storyline was less compelling with many repetitions and extremely bloody, graphic descriptions of fighting and death that were much too detailed for this reader. I have not read Rice's other works since I am not drawn to that genre. However, I did wonder if this horrid, deplorable descriptive writing might harken back to her previous work. As for her notes, I was fascinated by her discussion of her spiritual journey and the extensive research in a variety of spheres to prepare to write this book. I therefore find myself in a neutral zone concerning this book. Would I recommend this title? Not sure. Can you say ambivalent?

One kind word can warm three winter months. ---Japanese Proverb


amandazen said...

That sounds a lot like a Rice novel, choppy and gory. I remember reading her when I was a teenager and I hated them but at the same time could not not stop reading the book. I am not sure if I will try her newest...


Pooch said...

I wasn't familiar with her writing, but was drawn to the subject matter. In that area, it didn't offer much!


Jenni said...

I'm almost embarassed to say it...but I loved Interview with a Vampire (the book). The whole time you are thinking "I shouldn't be reading this"...but you can't stop.

Pooch said...

That book was highly praised, so I think you are in the majority of readers on that one! When I can't stop reading something, that's usually a good sign!