This is the edging-in-process pic for this HMB crocheted ghan. It is completed now, ready to be laundered, tagged, and mailed. I will soon begin assembling another bereavement ghan made of a combination of floral squares and granny squares.
Tonight I want to work on the baby blanket for my neighbors' soon-to-be-born baby girl. On Saturday J asked when his world ghan will be finished. Ooops! I haven't touched it in about eight months! Better get on that one, too!
Reading Psalm 144 this morning led me to ponder the brevity of life. I want to live to glorify God in all I do. The Psalm offers beautiful praise to God in reminding us of our short time on Earth, "a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes". (James4:14) Mother passed in March. I can't believe her life is over. I was there with her, but how can she be gone? Life passed so quickly--looking at family photos of her as a child, as a cheerleader---having fun at the beach, being with my Dad in their young, dating years. Oh, the importance of the lives of my parents, all of my grandparents, and great grandparents---all of whom I knew. Brief as life is, people make great impact in the lives of one another. Oh, Lord, bless us and bring soothing peace to my humanity; soften my heart and soul.Love has its source in God, for love is the very essence of His being. -
--Kay Arthur
wow that looks great!
What comfort we have knowing THIS brief time is not all there is!! Knowing the brevity helps to inspire me to make the best use of the moments afforded!
The afghan looks great! I'm sure the recipients will love it!
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