That picture of my sister has always cracked me up!
My caption for it: Are you sure I'm the father??!
My favorite knitting spot and the steps to achieve it:
1. Warm, sunny day
2. Deck minus snow and ice (though it does need to be swept)
3. Basket of Plymouth Encore yarns

4. Diet Coke in a bottle, not a can
5. Yarn bobbins for Intarsia
6. Little red row counter
7. Clipboard with pattern chart
8. Citronella candle to anchor clipboard
9. Pencil for marking chart
10. Book stand
11. Good book to read while knitting
12. Sunglasses, as needed

13. Comfortable chairs: one for sitting/one for propping up feet
14. Laptop to read blogs while knitting (Use when wanting a change from the good book)
15. Capable knitting assistant, Max the Maximum Boxer
16. Last panel of the World Map ghan on appropriately sized circs

Yield: A glorious day of knitting for hours and hours

Note: Stop when you're tired!
Do what you love. Love what you do.
I love that last picture of Max. What a cutie!
Awww...poor puppy is all tuckered out! can you knit and read at the same time? That takes talent!
That sounds so sublime. I will be over in a few to hang out with you!You like chocolate? I'll bring the chocolate......
I love reading and knitting. It's so satisfying! It's gotta be garter or stockinette though.
Okay, I can see the graph, but what the heck are you knittin' girl, I need details!
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