Max and I enjoyed our tip-toe through the tulips---more like tiptoe through the puddles. Not a tulip in sight! As a reminder, we have had the same snow on the ground since December with other layers piled on. I've been referring to it as our permafrost. was a WOW moment when we spotted grass beneath this patch of melting snow.

Q: What do you call snow that's been around too long?
A: Dirty snow!
It appears we're approaching a small lake at the intersection.

Oh yes, thawing is happening!
Moving on to Mata Hari socks... Here is the beginning. I know. Almost too inspiring, isn't it? I'm using two size three circs and black Cascade Fixation yarn.

The little peek-a-boo holes add appealing detail to these otherwise plain socks...plainly peek-a-boo socks! I'm combining information from a few sites to make my socks. The red socks are at where I first saw them. A fab basic pattern is at that's helping me to get started. I have always-always used a knitted cast on. I now have learned the Turkish cast on from the information at this site. I love the feeling of GROWTH! and learning a new technique! Yeah-yeah, old dog/new tricks!! And because I want to knit both socks at the same time, I am referring to Go Addi Turbos, go!
Q: What do you call snow that's been around too long?
It appears we're approaching a small lake at the intersection.
Oh yes, thawing is happening!
Moving on to Mata Hari socks... Here is the beginning. I know. Almost too inspiring, isn't it? I'm using two size three circs and black Cascade Fixation yarn.

Happy Feet!
***Do you have travel info/suggestions for a trip to Phoenix?*** I am planing a trip during the third week of March and would appreciate any comments/suggestions you might have! Thanks!
Thanks for posting the links. This year I plan on knitting socks and these links will come in handy. Your socks are going to look great!
Hey! I am so glad you liked your package :)
I LOVE the turkish cast on. I just used it to start a circular shawl last night. This cast on recently blew my mind.
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