I am still looking for a small book of Psalms. Everything I have seen thus far is more of a study guide, as is the one I purchased here. While it appears to be interesting, informative, and prayerful, I still want a book that is just the Psalms preferably a size to carry in my purse. I'll keep googling and searching, however if anyone knows of such a book, please let me know. Thanks!
Thanks to Beth at Felt Like Knitting and Shelley at Kitten Knits for your prayers and good wishes. I do covet prayers for my strength and to lead my doctors and give them wisdom. Tomorrow is another doctor's appointment, so we'll see what's next.
I have donated some items to the Pine Ridge Reservation and would like a button to add to my blog so I can raise awareness to their needs. They do not offer a button on their web site. Does anybody know of one that I can use to link to their site? Thanks!
One person can make a difference and every person should try.
---John F. Kennedy
---John F. Kennedy
I hope you have some positive news from the doctor!
I'm not sure if I've ever seen a small book of just the psalms. I know sometimes you can buy those small New Testaments that contain Psalms...
i'll have to check out that book i have the crochet book and at first i was all excited about it then i looked closely at it a lot of the 200 are just different color combinations of the same square which really kinda made me sad b/c i wanted 200 different squares, i can do the color thing myself. but the whole afghan layout and the stories of them were cool
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