I used some left-over Lamb's Pride Bulky to make this warm and colorful scarf in Fibonacci striping for the Dulaan Project (see the sidebar button). Made of 85% wool and 15% mohair, this yarn very soft and cuddly. We all want cuddly yarn, don't we? Yes we do!

I joined yet another ring because I love the concept, A Year of Simple Things. This is a new ring was initiated a few days ago and is "A ring for members to post about the simple things in their lives that bring them joy or even just a smile to their faces." I look forward to reading posts in this ring.
Thanks to ringing endorsements from both of my DILs, I have joined Blockbuster.com for in-the-mail movies! I can't believe I did this, but I am certainly enjoying the DVDs! The last one I viewed was "Frida", which was a feast for the eyes and an engrossing story about artist, Frida Kahlo. As an aside to this, I purchased two pottery pieces created by Mara who studied with a student of Diego Rivera while I was in Cancun. Seeing him portrayed in "Frida" was pleasurable on another level because of that. "The Devil Wears Prada" arrived today. I'm looking forward to seeing Meryl Streep's work in that! I know, I must be the last person to see that movie! Anyway, back to the DILs. Both had used Netflix and changed to Blockbuster because of the added benefit of returning the movie to a Blockbuster store as a coupon toward renting a movie at the store while the next DVD in the queue is mailed as well. I probably won't use this option very often if at all, but it was a real selling point for them.
I finished reading "The Woman in White" for Knit the Classics (see sidebar button). I enjoyed the writing style of Wilkie Collins in this classic mystery. I also found a web site for book-lovers at www.shelfari.com where readers review and discuss books. I enjoy reading about books and the opinions of other readers, so I plan to spend a little more time at this site.
Snow? Yes, we still have snow. I think it's beautiful and love the way it covers the brown-brown-brown that is typical for this time of year. We have a couple of feet of snow on the ground. It is frozen so hard that Max, who weighs 65-70 pounds, walks right on top of it without sinking down into it!! I was totally surprised when he did that, no light-weight he!

May the God of steadfastness and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, in accordance with Christ Jesus, so that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.
--- Romans 15:5-7
1 comment:
We have a little bit of snow, just enough to cover the ground really. We've been having mild temperatures the last few days, and tomorrow and Saturday are supposed to bring rain. I'm sure we'll get more snow before winter is over though...
As for webrings, I've created a new one myself for sock knitters. If you're interested, you're more than welcome to join (all are invited to join)...
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