Yarn4Me! My SP9 actually spun this yarn with colors selected for me! This is a first and is so exciting! Thank-you, thank-you to SP9 for making personalized yarn for me! It is over 150 yards of Merino--so very soft and cheerful!
She n
ot only spun yarn for me, but also knit these exciting wool socks. Another first! I so appreciate the time and thought she put into these very special gifts. Since I collect hand thrown pottery, she included a precious pottery Christmas tree with a sheep and a star on it. Do you see it lying between the yarn and socks? Sincere thanks to my wonderful SP9.
I crocheted this Christmas tree skirt in the mid-80s. I made another one like this with two matching stockings as a gift at that time as well. Hope you shared a merry-merry, blessed Christmas with those you love. I did! Praise God.
To Lauren: The Wordless Wednesday pics were indeed taken at the beach where I stayed in Cancun. It was absolutely glorious and light years away from the mounds of drifting snow here. Although I expect no sympathy (hee-hee), we did get delayed by a couple of days due to Frontier canceling flights because DIA was closed.
As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think. --- Toni Morrison
Your secret pal sure spoiled you! I love the colours of the yarn, and the socks are so bright and cheerful. She did an awesome job on them!
That is gorgeous yarn made just for you! Awesome! Socks too! Great SP gifts!
Happy New Year!
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