Behold the amazing Vivaldi yarn plant with a yarn ball ready for the picking!
Vivaldi is 58% mohair, 19% wool, 23% nylon and has an amazing 305 yards. Although it calls for a size 6 needle, it yields a beautiful lacey look when done with bigger needles.

I'm thinking of a lacey, soft shawl in this beautiful fluffy mohair.
I'm not offended by all the dumb blonde jokes because I know I'm not dumb . . and I'm also not blonde.
---Dolly Parton
That would be the absolutely coolest thing to be able to pick balls of yarn off of plants. Can you imagine how popular the plants would be? Gardening centers wouldn't be able to keep them in stock!
Neat pron pics! I also love the Dolly Parton quote! :)
I like what Beth said, could you just imagine!!
Nice job!
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