

Betts ~ A Characterization

has tortured, bleached blond hair in a chin length, blunt cut just the wrong side of perfection.

one who still wears caked-on, blue powder eye shadow to match her bulging blue eyes

deep throaty voice brought on by heavy-duty smoking, yielding rasping hacks when laughing and punctuating her profuse commentaries

speaks loudly, often emitting stories about events and her reactions to them, usually in a humorous fashion, although she could become riled and uncompromisingly opinionated regarding a range of current events, family affairs, and generic gossip

often repeats the just-told story to the same people who had just heard it on the first go-around, then reiterating phrases that particularly tickled her: "Ben and his Doritos; that Ben and those darn Doritos, I swear!"

can be equally bombastic in affection and displeasure, often frightening the young children who are dear to her: "I wanna give you a biiiiig hug. You are so sweet! I haven't seen you in a looong time!" she boomed as she gathered two cringing children close to the pillowy softness of her body.


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