My friend K delivered the pretty yellow azalea---oops! begonia, make that begonia!!-- to me last night, bless her heart! The last two weeks have been very difficult RE: the effects of my West Nile and problems with my most recent immuno globulin infusion. (I have another one in the morning.) So, K took time to bring me a touch of beauty and love to cheer me! I don't blog about my health very often because they are chronic conditions. I guess the last two weeks have gotten the better of me so I'm blogging to release it. I covet prayers for strength and calm. Any way...the Lord has blessed me with thoughtful friends who mean the world to me!
I say that anybody whose life keeps tangling up with yours for no logical reason is likely a member of your karass, a team God has formed to get something done for him.---Kurt Vonnegut
Ah, Cat's Cradle -
the flowers are just lovely, and I'm glad they cheered you.
Hope that you are feeling better soon and that Max and Laihla are taking good care of you.
Oh your logcabin is comming along really pretty.
Your begonia is really pretty too I love the color!
I just started my red scarf project.
Pooch, I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. I didn't know you were suffering from West Nile. I hope that you will feel much better very soon and I will pray for you.
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