Oh, yes...Amazon delivered as well! Here are my latest additions to my TBR pile. I watched an interview with Steve Coll on C-Span and was fascinated by his narrative about his new book The Bin Ladens, so I just absolutely required the book. It's on my shelf as we speak...er...as I type?

According to the reviews, there is something "screamingly funny" about life past middle age and it is contained in No! I Don't Want to Join a Book Club: Diary of a Sixtieth Year by Virginia Ironside. Don't wanna miss out on that! I am appreciative of the "life past middle age" usage since I'm not in the elderly set and not middle aged either. Another level of 'tween, it appears.
OK, there is indeed something screamingly funny about this book already. I ordered three of them. Yes, I know. I may have been click happy, twitchy-fingered, confused, or it may have been the Prednizone. Two are going back to Amazon. You can stop laughing now.

Here I am snapping pix and flickrizing, madly blogging, adding to Ravelry stash, shelving my books at Good Reads and Library Thing! Who has time to knit...or read?
Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God and respect the king.
~ 1 Peter 2:17
Respect everyone, and love your Christian brothers and sisters. Fear God and respect the king.
~ 1 Peter 2:17
You are pretty funny! And I am not an again 'tween, just a middle ager. Got some time to read and knit now before the next grandchild comes along.
I love getting yarn and books through the post ;0)
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