Though I haven't read the preceding two books in this series by Jeffrey Archer, Best Kept Secret stands on its own quite well. Admittedly, Archer is a favorite author because of his eminent gift of telling an absorbing story. While this is a light read, it is quite relaxing and interesting.
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" 'Therefore if any man can show any just cause why these two people may not be lawfully joined together in holy matrimony, let him now speak, or else hereafter forever hold his peace.'
Harry Clifton would never forget the first time he'd heard those words, and how moments later his whole life had been thrown into turmoil. Old Jack, who like George Washington could never tell a lie, had revealed in a hastily called meeting in the vestry that Emma Barrington, the woman that Harry adored, and who was about to become his wife, might be his half sister."
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"Moments later, Emma's Father Hugo had slipped out of the back of the church, like a coward leaving the battlefield. Emma and her mother had traveled up to Scotland, while Harry, a desolate soul, remained at his college in Oxford, not knowing what to do next. Adolf Hitler had made that decision for him."
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Much of the story has an odd gossipy tone to it, however I am continuing because the narrative flows easily and the pacing is flawless.
Would you continue to read this book set in the late 1940's/early '50's ?
Ooops...almost missed this post and your link brought me to MizB's blog????
I'd keep reading - I like the intro and the author. Thanks so much for joining in - please join us again.
I like the author and like the intro very much. Yes I would continue.
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