Whilst digging in ye old family trunk, I came upon this bit of colorful crochet circa mid 1970s. I crocheted it for my then-young children but fell prey to tired project syndrome. What the heck is that thing you wonder?

All parts of the project are laid on top of the trunk including head, legs, tail. The top and bottom are sewn together on
oneside. Now, to assemble, stuff, and finish off.

The completed
turtle will be given to the grands since my once young children are well beyond the age of playing with stuffed animals. If this ever happens, I may even post a pic of the completed turtle! Don't hold your breath!
Fire goes out without wood, and quarrels disappear when gossip stops.
~ Proverbs 26:20
This project reminds me of a quilter friend I had who showed me a quilt she started that was so beautiful, nearly done. I asked her when she began and she said "high school".
You must post a picture when you get it done. My mom started knitting me a sweater when she found out she was pregnant. She finished it when I was three years old. We all have projects that take a little longer than expected.
Oh, my quilter friend was in her eighties when she told me her story!
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