Star Ghan is the FO. Well, I'm calling it that, although I am going to add picot trim in pink or blue when the baby is born. This crochet pattern is interesting to make as well as being a quickie-crochet! Interested in the pattern, Beth's Little Star Afghan? It is a freebie at
http://www.angelfire.com/va3/heartfeltangels/littlestarafghan.html I used oddments of
left-over acrylics with a size G crochet hook.

I love you, box-o-yarn! Here are my 13--count 'em, 13!--skeins of Berroco Comfort yarn from
www.kaleidoscopeyarns.com which arrived with its usual speed! Yaaay! Kaleidoscope Yarns has
excellent service and sends a little thank you gift with the order. See the packet of Hot Cinnamon Spice tea in the pic? Isn't it so thoughtful of them to send along an unexpected giftie? For a while, they sent a tiny plastic bag with three Werther's candies in it. It's enough to drive you right back online to buy more products!

The oatmeal-colored yarn will be used to make this gorgeous, luscious "Cream of the Crop" afghan for nephew and his bride. The pattern was originally in Winter 99/00
Family Circle Easy Knitting.

I found the pattern in this book that I purchased at Border's. My super long size 8 circs are waiting for me to cast on the 219 stitches to begin this project. Something I plan to do forthwith! Happy knitting!
But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans 5:8
Hi, just stopping in for a quick visit. The blanket you plan to make sure looks inviting. I wish I could knit or crochet bu alas I have all thumbs and no fingers! LOL
Your star afghan is great and it looks like a starfish in the pictures. That looks like a lot of crocheting! Your next project is beautiful, too.
Candy, extra goodies, and Yarn!?!? They sure do know how to get us where it hurts don't they.
Pooch that afghan is absolutely stunning! I'm sure your, niece (?) did you say it was, is going to be tickled pink to receive it, as well as the lucky wee one. It is truly beautiful.
Your star afghan is just beautiful. Sadly it's a craft that I've never got the hang of so I'm quite envious of it :)
What a darling baby afghan. Can't wait to see the picot edge :)
The star blanket looks fantastic! I love the colors you chose.
Awwww YOur Star Afghan is so Sweet !!!! Yours looks bigger than the pattern site.. Did you do something different?? I LOVE it !!!
Your Comfort yarn looks so soft and the Afghan you are making with it is just Beautiful!!!!
Love your star afghan. What a lucky baby!
The Cream of the Crop afghan looks very interesting. Even luckier new couple!
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