


Shawnee at has tagged me for seven random facts about me, so here they are!

  1. Love to dance.

  2. Love to be outdoors whenever possible.

  3. Love water at the ocean, boating on a lake, or taking a cruise.

  4. Love flowers and landscapes, but am not a gardener.

  5. Am very visual and can be deeply moved by whatever is eye appealing to me.

  6. Am playful--enjoy wit and humor.

  7. Deeply miss teaching even after a 34-year career.

Want to play along? Check Shawnee's blog for the details!


Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.1 Corinthians 13:7

1 comment:

Greatfullivin said...

Hi Pooch! I love a good meme, and your answers are great. We sound alot alike except for the dancing...LOL. Have a grand weekend!