Have you ever met one of your favorite authors? Gotten their autograph?
How about an author you felt only so-so about, but got their autograph anyway? Like, say, at a book-signing a friend dragged you to?
How about stumbling across a book signing or reading and being so captivated, you bought the book?
How about an author you felt only so-so about, but got their autograph anyway? Like, say, at a book-signing a friend dragged you to?
How about stumbling across a book signing or reading and being so captivated, you bought the book?
Generally, my interest is about the book rather than the author so I am not drawn to this scenario. I did attend a teacher's conference where I heard Tomie de Paola speak in a break-out session. He did sign my book which I eventually gave to a child.
How about you? Do you enjoy having signed books?
The true bread of God is the one who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.
--John 6:33
I do have a signed copy of Lisa Jackson's Deep Freeze. Yet to read i though. A friend of mine gave it to me!!
Otherwise I have not met any authors for a signed copy!
My daughter and I went to our first book signing this week! E loves the Warriors series and Erin Hunter was in town to sign books. It was a neat experience for all of the kids because she talked with them for a long time, read from her latest book, and answered questions. Then she signed as many books as each person had brought. All that after flying over from England and having a flight cancelled!
I feel awkward about asking for autographs, but I do enjoy hearing authors speak. Not only does it enrich my reading, but I enjoy getting to know the person behind the story.
I have a few signed books... signed in person are ones by the Yarn Harlot and Kate Jacobs. My friends' Dad is an illustrator, so I have many of his books signed... some other knitting books.. and a few other books as well.
CUTE puppy pic - I just love her!
I think Lailah was about to go through your purse! Maybe you should call your credit card companies to check for recent activity. What a beautiful face.
I've done the same thing. Heard an author at a teacher conference and given the signed book to a kid. It seems to mean more to them than to me.
LOL! what a great face! Like she was caught red handed and is giving you the guilty look!
Maybe she just wanted to read a book!
I have met a few of my fav authors at book signings the most favorite and entertaing was by far the yarn Harlot.
I saw her in Oakbrook, IL this past April and she was really awesome.
This might be wordy...I was living in Tennessee. An author, pretty famous petite mystery writer,had written a book that had taken place in Knoxville. She decided to come to a booksigning. I am not a big fan of booksignings. The store was a very nice, small chain of stores,perhaps a handful of them. My friend and I got there very early. We were #15 and#16. We waited. A long time. The author finally arrived. With (I kid~you~not) a body guard! She was upset that her book was not on display at the airport. I do not know if the airport has changed, but at the time, this airport was small! Anyway. My buddy and I were ready to meet and greet. All we were "allowed" to do was pass our book over people's heads to get it signed. What a massive waste of time. I never bought another of her books. However...on a positive note, my daughter was in middle school at the time and she loved, and still loves, to read. Her favorite books at the time were the cat books by Peter Gethers. He was signing at the same small store a few weeks later. I was reluctant due to prior experience; but it was my child. So we went. What a great man! He gave a wonderful talk. Kids kept coming in at different times and he graciously answered the same question over and over (where does kitty go potty when you get on the plane?). He was very nice. I had two totally different experieces. One great and the other not great at all. I still am not at all interested in anyone's autograph, no matter who it is. i
If someone does not believe I met the person I say I did, not my problem!
My Bucky gets on the bottom of the shelf where I keep printer paper. Sometimes I have to toss the top sheet because of all the puggie drool. yuck!
I'm not a big fan of booksignings in general. Most of the authors I love are from hundreds of years ago and I'm not going to rob a bank to own any of their manusripts. The authors I read today I don't really care if I own their books and get them from libraries instead. Some of them are good, but I won't waste hours of my time for a signed book.
I do bring my knitting books to Stitches West every year and try to catch the designers I like. I've met Nicky Epstein, Ginger Luters, and Eugene and Ann Bourgeois; also had Debbie New sign her book Unexpected Knitting in her class.
Oh, Nicky Epstein! She is my favorite! Still, I do not want her autograph.
Pooch, you've reminded me of a wonderful author experience. At a teacher conference, William Brittain was speaking, and he was one of my son's favorite authors. I talked to him for a little while, and on an impulse, offered to drive him to the airport since it was quite near my house. We had time to stop at home first so my son could meet him. He was charming and all my kids enjoyed his visit.
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