More pillow than puppy! And, yes, Lailah did drag that from the bedroom!

Picture a worst-case scenario: It’s cold and raining, your boyfriend/girlfriend has just dumped you, you’ve just been fired, the pile of unpaid bills is sky-high, your beloved pet has recently died, and you think you’re coming down with a cold. All you want to do (other than hiding under the covers) is to curl up with a good book, something warm and comforting that will make you feel better. What fictional work do you read?
My choice would be something by Dianne Mott Davidson or Maggie Sefton, light mysteries.
The LORD is good to those who depend on him, to those who search for him. Lamentations 3:25
I like that photo!
Now that is a cute face!
awwwwwwwwww. Great picture!
I love her more and more every week.... lol! SHe's so adorable!
And your dogs need Dogstar pages!! :)
I think Lailah is rather proud of her accomplishment.
Love that puppy!!
I would re-read "Winter Soltice" by Rosamunde Pilcher - it always makes me feel better.
Mauve Binchy, Barbra Kingsolver is also good. You pup is a doll.
What a sweet face! She has the look of acomplishment!
Elise get on our bed when we are not looking and pushes off my pillow with her nose(only mine of course, not my husbands.) and then will try and drag it to the family room and will lay on it!
By the way my book fo rthat question would have to be H.P. Lovecraft!
Fiction~Charlotte's Web or something by Anne Tyler. Non Fiction ( I know you did not ask)~Fifty Acres And A Poodle by Jeanne Marie Laskas. Oh, and Lailah is adorable, as always!
She is too cute to be mad at! I always turn to my old favorite books by Dora Saint, either Miss Read series or the Fairacre series. Very soothing.
Back when that sort of scenario actually happened to me, I fled to Pern, a planet in Anne McCaffrey's alternate universe, where people can communicate telepathically with dragons and work with them to save the planet. Lots of good roles for women.
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