My rating: 4 of 5 stars

"She’d read all of Jane Austen that year—Austen was good, but when you told people you liked Pride and Prejudice, they expected you to be all sunshine and wedding veils, and Sylvia preferred the rainy moors. The Brontës weren’t afraid to let someone die of consumption, which Sylvia respected."
Despite the topics of adultery, unsettled young adult children, and relationship woes, this book is charming, witty, and engaging. I chuckled. I laughed out loud and think the story is clever and delightful.
Family and friends load up their baggage, in various forms, and fly off to Majorca for a two-week vacation. It's all about people sorting things out in their lives. From the teen heading off to college to the gay couple who are madly, deeply in love--the characters are fully drawn and supply a wealth of angst as well as amusement.
This quick read will bring a smile to your face. The title tells you---perfect summer read! Enjoy!
View all my reviews
My husband started this book but said it was boring and gave up on it. Had better books to read.
This sounds like a fun read, I'm glad you are enjoying it. I love the teaser, I'm more of a Bronte girl myself ;-)
Here is my TT
LOL. Sounds cute.
Mine this week is from the bestselling memoir “Twelve Years a Slave” by Solomon Northup:
It sounds delightful! And includes talk about books.
My TT this week is non-fiction. Letters from Africa 1914 – 1931 by Isak Dinesen (Karen Blixen) at
Sounds like a book that would lift your mood. I'll read this one.
My Teaser Tuesday excerpt is from HEARTS IN RUIN.
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