So, when
Lailah is completely engrossed in chewing her rawhide bone, she assumes her most comfy position---the frog's legs pose.
Doggie yoga at its finest? I remember when I was a kid, there were some who would sit in the human version of this pose. You know, sitting on the floor, watching TV, sitting in that..ummmm...elastic position. I could never do it, couldn't be comfortable in that position.
Maybe if I had a rawhide bone?
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13:14
My dog does this too. But I always call her flat butt!
That's a cute picture. The pups used to lay like that when they were little. Fudge still does it.
Don't you just adore the frog leg position? It's a wonder they can be comfortable that way but mine do it all the time too. :)
That is so cute! Mine haven't done that since they were pups. I think I would need a crane to get up out of that position!
Our dog sits in positions which look uncomfortable to me, too. It gives us something to talk about! :)
It looks like doggie yoga to me. I don't know how they do it. I'd be sore for days.
It's the rawhide ;) I posted some pics of my dog going at an everlasting treat last week, and she made all sorts of doggie yoga to finish it!
She is way too cute!!!!
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