

On Retirement

Quite honestly, it took me a few years to adjust to retirement from my 32 years in education. I had to focus on what I truly wanted to do each day. What do I feel like doing? It was a challenging adjustment. I truly miss the children and avoided driving by a school during the school year. Strange, yes? It was a process of giving myself permission to "indulge" my whims. If I feel like knitting and reading all afternoon, its truly OK to do that. I had to think of it differently, as not being an indulgence, not taking time away from something more important. Initially, I had to think in terms of "I've earned this." You see, I still was trying to validate this shift in how I spent my time. I don't have to be busy-busy-busy. Its OK to do the things I enjoy and not necessarily follow the "retirement guidelines" such as volunteer, keep a schedule, etc. Many of my friends do those things and find it completely fulfilling. I realized I wanted to completely shift out of structure, thus realizing my newly acquired sense of freedom. Freedom became my perspective on retirement, however it took me a while to get there. Each of is as unique in this life change as we are in many other ways. During the '70s, I began to use the "Free To Be You and Me" album from Marlo Thomas to help children build self-esteem. I haven't thought of it in decades until I heard it on a commercial the other day. Time warp! I realized that phrase has an entirely new meaning for me at this stage of life!!

Blog Tip of the Day

This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.   ~ Psalm 118:24

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