

Of Misaligned Merchant Ships

argosy -- laden merchant ship: a large richly laden merchant ship, or a fleet of such ships
Just wondered what the word meant. I thought it meant "rip out 12 inches even though you tried to fudge stitches to keep the pattern and it didn't work".
In other news, after my initial excitement about the Hot D blanket and several changes of needles and yarn combos, I concluded that I did not enjoy working with the huge -- size 19 and 35-- needles and the bulkiness of the knitted fabric. Hot D turned to Cold D after about three days.
Now Argosy with its simple, repetitive pattern is beating me down! Perhaps, this is why I am a process and not a product knitter!! I'm not getting anything done!
I say to myself, "The LORD is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!Lamentations 3:24

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When I first started knitting, I bought huge needles. After I went through my scarf phase, I didn't use them much. It would feel odd to pick them up now that I mostly use smaller needles.