This is the Crocheted Log Cabin Baby Blanket from Crystal Palace using the recommended yarn. Now, about this Kiddo yarn. It has a luscious hand---perfect for baby. The colors are...well...EXHUBERANT! It is so-so for knitting/crocheting because of all the fluffies that obscure stitches. BUT...and it is a BIG one, after being knitted or crocheted into fabric, it looks like something Max dragged in! I mean, really, no kiddo-ing here. It's matted and somewhat used looking! There are wonderfully soft baby yarns that are much prettier. So, once I use all of this Kiddo, it will be adios, Kiddito!
Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.
--William Butler Yeats
--William Butler Yeats